New way of hardware control : Micro Packet processing
Divide processing into packets to optimally start hardware processing.
- By showing the hardware to be infinite, remove unified control of software.
- If following simple interface specifications, simple connection is possible (plugin).
- Simple software control independent of hardware is possible.
Both flexible and high speed : Virtual Engine technology
Using just parts and connection definition file, can implement customized engine.
- By using micro packet technology, can simultaneously define an infinite
number of engines.
- The more that the basic components are variable the more they can be shared and circuit area can be reduced.
- Using inter connect technology with cache, can connect engines with low
power, low memory resources.
New Processor technology : High performance Low cost GPU
Execution of any code including high level functions without penalty.
- New concept compact high performance GPU architecture.
- Executes multiple step pipeline trigonometric functions also in 1 cycle
- Programming is simple as even if there is data dependency, there is no penalty.
- Less control of number of processors or operator types so simple to change.
- Image processing GPU (P-Cube) utilizes this technology.
Optimize memory : High performance Inter Connect
Reduce load on external memory by using wide bandwidth multi-bank cache.
- Number of banks and various parameters are variable and can select various options such as MMU or bandwidth restrictions so can be used in a variety of solutions.
- Unifying a distributed internal SRAM or optimal control of SDRAM (usage 90%, low latency) is possible.
- This technology is used in general purpose memory controller IP (E=mc2).
Flexible & High speed imaging engine : Intelligent Pixel Engine
Careful selection/polishing of image processing components and architecture
- IPE is a compact, low power consumption, low latency in hardware and flexibility
in software programmable image processing IP.
- IPE offers 3 merits (flexibility, realtime & low power consumption,
and simple programming) which was not seen previously.
- Offers an embedded solution flexible for widening intelligent image sensing